Juicing Benefits – Why It’s Good For You
Do you enjoy your glass of vegetable juice every day? If so, you clearly know and understand the benefits of drinking fruit and vegetable juices. But did you know that the juicing benefits of fresh produce are even better for you? The bottled juices taste good, but are generally made from concentrates and are pasteurized to extend their shelf life, which also destroys most of the nutritional value.
The manufacturers add sugar and salt as well as various preservatives. Have you considered juicing your own fruits and vegetables - it's very simple and the juicing benefits are vastly superior to those of bottled or canned juices. We know that a diet which is rich in fruits and organic vegetables provides all the essential vitamins, minerals and enzymes we need for optimal health.
These reduce the risk of various diseases such as heart problems, colon cancer, stomach ulcers and the like, as well as maintain a healthy thyroid and assist in managing Type Two diabetes. Drinking the juice of produce which is high in antioxidants can alleviate many diseases of the body, promote healing and increase energy. And a major juicing benefit is that juices are absorbed directly into the bloodstream, skipping the digestive process.
Drinking a glass of your own juiced produce just half an hour before a meal provides you with all the essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you need. What is an antioxidant? We can use an example - metal! Metal rusts because air gets to it and it "oxidizes." This happens inside our bodies because free radicals roam around causing serious cell damage, resulting in various cancers, heart disease, stroke and even Alzheimer disease.
Most fruits and veggies are high in antioxidants and are known to act as bodyguards. They are also high in Vitamin C which our bodies cannot manufacture or store, so it's necessary to include it in our diets. A lack of Vitamin C results in scurvy, a horrible disease which used to affect seafarers in the old days. Here are a few examples of veggies and fruits you can use for juicing benefits - cranberry juice helps avoid the risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections.
Cabbage juice can help treat stomach ulcers. Keracyanin, found in red cherries can ease gout attacks and maintain flexible joints. Consider grape juice - and seeds. There's a compound called trans-resveratol inside that little fruit which can help avoid atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. And those tiny seeds contain proanthocyanidins which are even more powerful than Vitamin C or E.
Cut your produce into manageable pieces, toss them in the juicer and you will have a glass of good health at your fingertips. Just ensure that the produce is well washed to remove pesticides and other contaminants and juice them unpeeled (except for oranges and grapefruits).
You can combine fruit and vegetable juices - lemon will brighten the flavor of most vegetables and you can add a little honey for sweetness. If you use your imagination, you can create your own fruit and veggie juice recipes by experimenting; try starting with carrots, broccoli, parsley and kale; add an apple or two - you'll find that you'll be drinking the juices of produce which you might otherwise avoid. But once they're juiced and mixed together, the results can be delicious!
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